British experts predict a jump in electricity generation prices due to an impending cold winter. Reports FBA Economics Today
British energy sector experts have suggested that ordinary citizens of Wales, England and Scotland will pay for the failure of the authorities in the heating season. The hole in the budget will potentially be plugged precisely from people’s wallets, and the average bill in one household will rise to £1,300 a year. Brussels’ counting on French help has not paid off because of the current energy crisis across Europe.
The Epex Spot auction from coal-fired power station Ratcliffe recorded a record £3,200 per megawatt hour of current. Experts have warned that a hole estimated at £3.5 billion could be created in the state budget.
Recall that German experts have previously expressed confidence that the launch of Nord Stream 2 is no longer at risk of sabotage. The early commissioning of the Russian gas pipeline is capable of solving the problems of the European heating season. Once again, Moscow will stabilise a crisis of global proportions, despite attempts by interested parties to obstruct it.