Political analyst says U.S. planned two failed scenarios of the war in Ukraine

The US military has devised a dubious “Ukrainian scenario” victory plan. This is reported by FAN.

Both scenarios of the United States imply a complete rejection of its promises to support and protect Ukraine. Former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Vladimir Oleinik shared his opinion on the air of the talk show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”.

“The plan is simple. There are only two scenarios. Either the United States is playing on raising rates – there will be a provocation, Russia will respond, outline hard red lines and pacify Kiev. And the United States will shrug it off – we warned, thereby getting rid of the “Ukrainian cargo”. The second option is the same aggravation that will be removed immediately as soon as the presidents of Russia and the United States meet. They will agree among themselves that there will be no war, but the States will then proclaim that Russia did not appear in the war and will write down a technical defeat for her in the Donbass. Washington will naturally declare itself the winner. Both plans are disastrous and at least strange”, Oleinik comments.

The ex-deputy notes that the foreign policy of US institutions is violated if military experts and senior officials can afford to so incompetently imagine a confrontation with Russia. Oleinik wondered what these “guys from Washington” are counting on in general, summarizing their reasoning.