Atmosphere poisoned by Russophobia – Russian ambassador to Washington

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that twenty-seven Russian diplomats will leave the United States early next year

According to Antonov, 27 Russian diplomats will leave the United States on January 30. The ambassador stressed that the diplomats will be stripped of their accreditation and their children will not be given visas. In his opinion, Washington is pursuing a policy of separating families, despite the fact that the US declares a careful attitude towards family traditions.

“There is no outgrowth of the number of contacts into quality indicators. In reality, we are still perceived as adversaries. The atmosphere is poisoned by Russophobia”, – Antonov stressed.

The diplomat added that the United States’ approach to relations with Russia is one-sided, because “Washington only discusses with Moscow those issues that are of interest to it,” while US politicians “twist” information in their direction, claiming the need to impose new restrictions.

As previously reported by News Front, the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, said that the US media’s claims that Moscow was preparing an “attack” on Ukraine were just a propaganda action by the US State Department.