Deutsche Welle: Polish authorities kill migrants with hunger and hypothermia

Amien Essif, a journalist for the German state newspaper Deutsche Welle, visited the Polish-Belarusian border and spoke about Warsaw’s cruel attitude towards refugees.

Essif noted that the state of emergency, which was declared by the Polish government after the outbreak of the migration crisis, is designed to prevent residents of border regions from helping migrants survive.

“But if the Polish authorities do not save lives, the people of Poland come to the aid of the people, and this gives hope. In a situation where such large international organizations as Médecins Sans Frontières or Save the Children cannot do their job, local residents take their place. After all, the police cannot forbid them to move freely. Some of the residents of the border zone turn on the lights in their windows to send a signal to migrants: here you can ask for help”, the correspondent said.

According to him, the border zone of Poland has become a “zone without democracy”, because of which the European Union is rapidly losing its reputation, allowing “the Polish government to mistreat refugees on its territory.”

Recall that the situation with migrants worsened on the border of Belarus and Poland on November 8. Several thousand refugees want to move to the territory of the European Union. The Investigative Committee (IC) of Belarus recognized 65 people as victims in a criminal case on the actions of the Polish security forces.