Germany condemns US sanctions against Nord Stream 2

Omid Nuripour, a member of the “Union-90″/Greens faction and a member of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee, has criticized possible sanctions by Washington against Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Reuters writes

“The new US sanctions are also unacceptable to opponents of Nord Stream 2. It is us Greens, who have always fought the pipeline, who cannot understand the friendship that [the US] seeks and in which sanctions are slapped on friends if they do business with third parties”, –  Nuripur said.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that Congress had been given a report on “Protecting Europe’s Energy Security” for possible sanctions restrictions. According to him, the document “lists two ships and one Russian-affiliated entity, Transadria Ltd, that are related to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline”. Bloomberg experts noted that Washington would not impose sanctions because it did not want to turn the German leadership against itself.

Construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was completed on 10 September. According to Nord Stream 2 AG, the project operator, the first line of the pipeline has already been filled with technical gas. In October, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) temporarily suspended the certification procedure until the establishment of Nord Stream 2 AG and the transfer of the main assets to it has been completed.