France marks the third anniversary of the yellow waistcoat movement with riots in the streets

In France, the “yellow waistcoats” have marked with riots and scuffles the third anniversary since their creation and the start of the protest on the streets of Paris.

The riots broke out at a massive yellow waistcoat rally in Paris. Very aggressive protesters threw bottles at law enforcement officers, French police in turn tried to stop the aggression with tear gas.

The protesters marched in convoy from the French economy ministry building in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. “Yellow waistcoats” and protesters provoked law enforcers and were the instigators of the pogroms. The pogroms resulted in the smashing of a bus stop in the area.

The march was suspended for some time by Paris law enforcement authorities, but traffic was restored a little later.

Recall that mass yellow waistcoat rallies began in Paris on 17 November 2018. The protesters demanded no increase in fuel tax and petrol prices, a range of other demands – both social and political – were later added to this demand.