Migrants tried to break through the border of Poland and Belarus almost 200 times in a day

Over the past day, migrants have tried several times to break through the border between Poland and Belarus. The border guards were able to stop the refugees.

They talked about this on the official page in the social network Twitter, reports the publication “Strana.ua”.

“Yesterday on the Polish-Belarusian section of the border, which is under the protection of the border department in Dubichi Tserkovnykh, there were several attempts to forcefully break through the border. The largest group consisted of about 200 foreigners, the rest – several dozen people each”, the security officials wrote.

The security forces complained that the refugees behaved aggressively: they threw stones and firecrackers, and also used pepper gas. According to the border guards, they tried to cross the border 195 times.

During one of the attempts, two official vehicles were even damaged. In the area of ​​the settlement, the migrants threw stones at them at about 5 pm local time. The law enforcement officers themselves remained intact.

During the day, the Poles detained several people who helped illegal immigrants to cross the border. Among them are four citizens of Poland, two Ukrainians, as well as Germans, Azerbaijanis and Georgians. They tried to transport 34 migrants in cars.