Poland and the UK plan to jointly develop Narew air defense system

Warsaw and London signed a statement of intent to jointly work on the creation of the Narew air defense system. This was reported by the United Kingdom Department of Defense.

Agreements on the joint development of an air defense system were reached during a meeting between British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace and Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak.

“This agreement marks a qualitative change in the cooperation between the UK and Poland in the field of defense and opens the way for us to work even closer. Poland’s Minister of National Defense and I are looking forward to the development of a ground-based air defense system”, Wallace said.

The main work on the creation of a unified anti-aircraft guided modular air defense missile Narew will be a British division of the international consortium MBDA. It is noted that the rocket is capable of developing a speed equal to three Mach numbers, destroying inconspicuous aircraft.