The U.S. looking for employees who will counteract the “influence” of Russia and China in the world

The American company Mission Support and Test Services, working under a contract with the National Nuclear Safety Administration, announced the search for specialists who are ready to assist it in combating the “influence” of Russia and China in several regions of the world, RT reports.

“With the support of the Information Systems Division of the United States Army Program Implementation Office, we intend to facilitate the implementation of the tasks of the Congress-funded programs to counter Russian and Chinese influence in a number of geographic areas – in Central and Eastern Europe, Central America, Asia, India and the Pacific region, which support the goals of the government”, the notice says.

The goal of this program is to strengthen the information systems of the host country.

They plan to achieve this through strategic planning in the field of IT, the development of technological improvements, as well as through ensuring the cybersecurity of information systems associated with such elements as logistics systems, medical systems and electronic communications.

According to the former head of the US National Center for Counterintelligence and Security, William Evanin, Moscow poses a “heightened threat” to the US in intelligence and cyberspace, and China exerts “malicious influence” in America at the state and local level.

Recall that Russian officials constantly say that Russia does not pose a threat to anyone – the country is developing in its own way.

Similar statements are also often made in Beijing, stating that China does not pose any threat to any of the countries.