Naftogaz head speaks out on stopping certification of NSP2

The suspension of Nord Stream-2 certification by Germany is good news for Ukraine, however, it will not be able to benefit directly from it. This was said by the head of Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko. writes about it

According to Vitrenko, the situation is ambiguous, but Kiev can clearly see the “tricks” of Russian Gazprom.

“Everything is not so unambiguous. “Gazprom is resorting to legal tricks. “Gazprom has told a German regulator of its intentions to create a subsidiary in Germany that would be ostensibly an independent operator of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and only that part of it located in Germany. This is a mockery of European regulations. It doesn’t comply with either the spirit or the letter of the European legislation on certification of gas pipelines”, –  he says on Facebook.

As a reminder, Germany suspended the certification of NSP2 because of the need to set up an operator company in the territory of Germany, which will operate in accordance with local legislation.