Remember how the popular belief last weekend was that if the infrastructure law was passed it would help President Biden and the Democrats turn the tide? Good times, good times
The Washington Post and ABC News poll released this morning left no stone unturned on this conventional wisdom.
Most Americans support President Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure legislative package, as well as a bill that would spend nearly $2 trillion on social programs and climate initiatives. But despite support for these measures, Biden’s ratings have dropped to new all-time highs in the poll, fueled by negative views from Democrats and Independents.
A poll by the Washington Post and ABC News found that if congressional elections were held today, 46% of the adult population would support Republican candidates and 43% of Democratic candidates. Among registered candidates, 51% give preference to the Great Old Party and 41% to Democrats. This is a record high result for Republicans in this indicator.
“Record high”? I’m trying to remember if there has ever been a Republican poll with a 10% advantage. In 1994, this was not the case, as in 2010. In 2014, in a series of surveys, the numbers were close to this.
The poll also showed American pessimism. Despite mixed economic signals, including both declining unemployment and rising prices, 70% of respondents speak of the economy negatively, and 38% say it is in a “bad” state. Roughly half of all Americans and independents blame Biden’s rapidly rising inflation, and six in ten Americans say he hasn’t accomplished much in his ten months in power. Among the independent, this opinion is shared by 71%.
On economic issues, Biden’s rating has also faltered, and now 39% assess his activities in this area positively, and 55% negatively. The difference is 16%. Compare this with September, when Biden’s activities in the economy were positively assessed by 45%, or with April, when such respondents were 52%.
If you look at the numbers, you get the impression that persistent statements about the temporary nature of inflation do not help much to reduce popular discontent with high prices for gasoline and foodstuffs.
Biden’s overall approval rating is now 41%, and 53% say they disapprove of him. 44% of the adult population say they are very disapproving of the way he fulfills his presidential duties. Among Republicans, such people are 80%, among independents – 45%, among residents of the suburbs – 48%, and among white university graduates – 44%. Biden’s overall approval rating dropped significantly, as it was 50% in June and 44% in September. True, now, compared to September, its indicators are not much different.
It seems that the statement of Democrat and former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe on education (“I don’t think parents should tell schools what to teach their kids”) has become unpopular not only in Virginia, but throughout the country.
Polls show that the overwhelming majority is in favor of giving parents a say in curriculum and curriculum design. Almost half of the respondents said that parents should have a “powerful” voice in the preparation of educational programs. Supporters of different parties have different views on this issue. The majority of the Republican vote for parenting “strong voice” on the list of items.
In general, Americans disagree about who they trust most in education. 44% prefer Democrats, and 41% prefer Republicans. The positions of the democrats on this issue have traditionally been very strong, and now their positions are weakening.
Finally, remember that fighting the pandemic has always given Biden the edge in polls?
So, now the Americans are divided approximately equally, assessing Biden’s work to overcome the pandemic. (47% approve of his work, 49% do not). Two months ago, 52% were approving of his fight against coronavirus, and 41% disapproving. In June and April, the ratio was two to one. Biden’s ratings today reflect a deep division in the country over party leanings. Roughly the same number of Democrats and Republicans approve and disapprove of his work. Independents, on the other hand, began to treat him more negatively, and their approving assessments decreased from 52% to 44%.
What if a significant number of Americans who support the covid-19 vaccine are less supportive of vaccination certifications and opposed to firing of people because of unwillingness to get vaccinated? What if Americans think their infection and natural immunity should be taken into account? What if Biden’s mandatory measures were seen as an overuse of government power?
If only someone had warned the Democrats that their actions would be unpopular and that their behavior, attitudes and statements would alienate voters from them.
Jim Geraty, National Review, USA
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