Vladimir Putin: Europe is to blame for the fact that hundreds of thousands of migrants go there

Vladimir Putin commented on the accusation against Russia on the Polish-Belarusian border.

European countries themselves have created conditions for the influx of migrants, Vladimir Putin said, commenting on the situation with refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border.

“They themselves are to blame for this. I said why: for political, military, and economic reasons. We ourselves have created the conditions for thousands and hundreds of thousands of people to go. And now they are looking for the guilty ones in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for the events taking place”, the head of state said in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin on the Russia 1 TV program in the Moscow. Kremlin. Putin “.

He stressed that Russia has “absolutely nothing to do” with this crisis, and all the accusations against it are “a desire to transfer problems from a sore head to a healthy one.”

The President was also surprised at the mention of Aeroflot in the context of possible European sanctions.

“What does our Aeroflot have to do with it?” Has at least one Aeroflot plane transported anyone (from refugees to Belarus. – Editor’s note)? I have no idea about this, but, probably, someone could have taken some kind of plane and moved through third countries. What have we got to do with it? I repeat once again: this is a desire to relieve oneself of responsibility for the events that are now taking place”, Putin repeated.