The Americans can plan to oust Russia from the Black Sea as much as they like, but they will never manage to bring them to life
This is how Alexei Leonkov, editor of “Arsenal of the Fatherland” magazine, commented on The Hill’s interview with a US naval officer. This is reported by the Federal News Agency, citing the expert’s Telegram channel.
Brian Harrington earlier said that holding regular NATO exercises in the Black Sea, bypassing the Montreux Convention, would allegedly help the states deprive Russia of its leading position in the region.
Leonkov pointed out that the officer’s words indicate that he is not the most competent expert on the issue and clearly has a poor understanding of how the system works in the Black Sea.
“I love such experts – I’d like a saber and a horse, and to the firing line. “Push Russia out of the Black Sea” – original and funny at the same time. But replenishing the graveyard of ships at the bottom of the Black Sea is real and painful!” – the expert believes.
Besides, he noticed that as a rule in the conflict between the fleet and the coastal forces the latter wins. And Russia has excellent missile complexes on its shores. It is a pity that American officers are not taught the basics of strategy and tactics.