Conviction replaced by disillusionment – Pushkov assesses US political situation

Russian Federation Senator Alexei Pushkov commented in his Telegram channel on the precipitous drop in the level of support for US President Joe Biden

Сенатор Алексей Пушков / Фото: © L!FE

The politician recalled a cartoon published by German magazine Der Spiegel several years ago, in which former US President Donald Trump holds the head of the Statue of Liberty in one hand and a bloody knife in the other. According to Pushkov, the “pathological fear of Trump’s possible return” shows that Western liberals are “not doing well”.

“Until a year ago, liberals were convincing the world that the Biden-Harris tandem was akin to the ‘second coming’ – would ensure the salvation and prosperity not only of the US but of the entire West, as well as the complete triumph of the ‘liberal global world order’. But now that conviction has been replaced with disappointment with the “saviors”: they look rather unconvincing”, –  the senator noted.

As previously reported, Biden’s rating has fallen to a record 38%. According to a poll, the majority of Americans believe that the United States is moving in the wrong direction.