Biden’s rating has fallen to a record low – poll results

USA Today reports that US President Joe Biden’s approval rating has fallen to a record low of 37.8%

The newspaper’s study, in conjunction with Suffolk University, found that about 59% of respondents viewed Biden’s performance as White House chief executive negatively.

“Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, say they do not want Biden to run for a second term in 2024. Among them, 28% of Democrats […] 37.8% of respondents approve of Biden’s performance”, –  the survey said.

Notably, Americans also oppose former US President Donald Trump running in the next election, with 58% opposing his candidacy. However, 44% of respondents said they would be willing to vote for Trump if the election were held now, while 40% said they would vote for Biden.

Only 27.8% of respondents approve of the performance of US Vice President Kamala Harris, while 12% of Americans approve of the performance of Congress. In the opinion of 66% of the survey participants the situation in the United States is developing in the wrong direction.