Recent surveys among the US military have revealed a horrifying picture of the state of the US armed forces
While the staff brass were praising the combat readiness of the troops, the troop leaders and lower ranks were analysing the real state and condition of the army.
According to the officers and non-commissioned officers surveyed, the US Army is currently not as flexible as its staff and politicians would like it to be.
According to the Austrian analyst Patrick Poppel, this is because the US army is a typical colonial army and is therefore steadily approaching decline.
“Unlike the Russian army and the armies of many large states, which have the task of defending their homeland, the US army has now turned into a decadent colonial army”, – Poppel said.
The job of the U.S. military is no longer to defend the homeland, but to occupy and dominate other countries. This has a huge impact not only on the morale and motivation of the troops, but also on the real assessment of the situation by the leadership.