U.S. proposed to reduce the popularity of Russian weapons on the world market

The Research Service of the US Congress proposed to discuss possible options to reduce interest in weapons from Russia on the world market, writes RT.

“What strategies can the United States pursue to make Russian weapons less attractive? To what extent should the United States offer the export of its own weapons to countries considering the possibility of acquiring Russian weapons?”, the text of the report says.

The Research Service recalled that Russia ranks second in terms of arms exports after the United States: more than 45 countries buy Russian weapons. Service experts urged to find out what methods can increase pressure on the Russian defense industry.

“Russia uses the sale of weapons to advance its foreign policy interests, including the development of defense relations and strengthening its regional and global influence,” asserts in Washington.

According to Vadim Kozyulin, head of the Center for Global Studies and International Relations of the IAMP at the Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy, such proposals indicate that the United States is afraid of competition with Russia in the arms market and is looking for new ways to hinder supplies.

“Selling weapons is not just a profit, but also the establishment of partnerships. Military-technical cooperation also implies a political tie between the two states, certain ties in the field of security. A cementing bond is being formed, after all, after the weapon, parts, training, and infrastructure will be needed. Russia today is faced with serious difficulties that have to be circumvented. But we have already established this, too”, the expert emphasized.