According to Sohu’s experts, there are not so few countries in the world that are ready to give up their own well-being for the sake of the interests of third countries. And Ukraine is one of them.
According to Narodnye Novosti, PolitRussia has published an exclusive translation of an article from the Chinese magazine Sohu, which deals with the consequences of the Ukrainian policy that spoiled relations with Russia to please the interests of the United States.
“Each country has its own interests, which it is trying to realize. There are not many countries that take the initiative to give up well-being and harm themselves”, the newspaper writes.
According to Chinese experts, the turning point in the history of independent Ukraine was the coup d’etat as a result of the so-called “Euromaidan”. After that, Kiev exchanged mutually beneficial friendship with Moscow for the promises of its Western partners and made a sharp turn towards the United States and the European Union. It was these events that predetermined the further fate of Ukraine, the loss of territories, the civil war and the actual transformation into an American colony.
“Ukraine has become a torn apart, hopeless, impoverished and most unhappy country in Europe,” the article says.
As experts point out, “friendship” with Washington has never brought happiness to anyone and has always turned against the interests of applicants for the US favor. Having inherited from the USSR an excellent economic foundation and a large number of able-bodied population, Ukraine managed to destroy all this with one wrong step when it defiantly turned away from Russia.