The UK is confident that Russia has nothing to do with the energy crisis that hit the European Union.
This point of view is shared by journalist Mary Dejevski in her article for the Spiked portal, reports the URA.RU news agency.
She noted that with fuel shortages and rising gas prices leading to bankruptcy of many companies, blaming Russia has become a convenient way to justify the situation. However, the truth is that the Russian Federation has nothing to do with this. Yes, it is one of the largest fuel suppliers to Europe, but that’s about it. It is not she who is responsible and controls the gas market, and even more so the problems with fuel.
It sounds much more realistic that the crisis is connected with the fact that last year there was a very cold winter. In addition, demand for blue fuel has grown significantly in Asia, which is why large flows are now going to this region. Another problem was Europe’s desire to switch to green energy. The lack of wind energy amid the pandemic led to a number of problems that ultimately influenced the crisis.
London and Brussels refused to sign long-term contracts with Moscow for direct gas supplies. The Russian side offered the EU a way to save itself, although it should not do it. However, Europe did not accept the offered assistance.