Father and son were arrested in Tbilisi when they met Saakashvili in the port of Poti

The Tbilisi City Court has chosen a preventive measure in the form of preliminary detention for two citizens in the case of illegal border crossing by ex-President Mikhail Saakashvili, said lawyer Giorgi Goginava.

Earlier, the prosecutor announced the arrest of two citizens in the case of illegal crossing of the Georgian state border by Saakashvili. According to Pirveli TV company, the detainees are employees of the Poti seaport. The prosecutor said that law enforcement officers know the route by which the ex-president got to Georgia. Earlier, the media reported several versions of Saakashvili’s route, including the entry on a cargo trailer.

“The defense demanded a bail in the form of a preventive measure, but the court decided to satisfy the request of the prosecutor’s office,” Goginava told reporters.

The lawyer said that his clients really had contact with Saakashvili and helped him to move around the country, but he considers the accusations against them about concealing the crime unfounded.

Earlier, the prosecutor announced the arrest of two citizens in the case of illegal crossing of the Georgian state border by Saakashvili. The prosecutor said that law enforcement officers know the route by which the ex-president got to Georgia. Earlier, the media reported several versions of Saakashvili’s route, including the entry on a cargo trailer.

The ex-president was convicted in absentia of the murder of banker Sandro Girgvliani and the beating of deputy Valery Gelashvili. In the first case, he was sentenced to three years in prison, in the second – to six. In addition, Saakashvili is involved in the cases of dispersal of the opposition rally on November 7, 2007, the pogrom of the Imedi TV company and the embezzlement of funds from the state budget – they are still being considered by the courts.

Also, another criminal case was opened against Saakashvili – on illegal crossing of the state border of Georgia.