“Shame on Montenegro”: the ROC spoke out against Djukanovic’s actions

The chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk (Alfeyev), has criticized the actions of Montenegrin President Milo Dukanovic in creating conflict in the country, RIA Novosti reported

Earlier, Metropolitan Hilarion suggested that the protests in Montenegro against the enthronement of Djukanovic were artificial and could be linked to Djukanovic trying to “regain power, which he is gradually losing precisely because of his hostile attitude towards the church.”

“It is a shame for Montenegro to be ruled by a leader who is unable to unite the population of his country, who works to divide, to create conflict. It was a shame that the Serbian patriarch, who arrived to enthrone the Montenegrin metropolitan, could not calmly reach Cetinje, where the enthronement took place, because Djukanovic supporters put people out to obstruct him”, –  Hilarion said on the Russia 24 TV channel.

In his opinion, the responsibility for the clashes of opponents of the enthronement of Metropolitan John Dzunikic lies exactly with the president of Montenegro.