Europe delays certification of NSP2 pipeline

The European Commission is trying to delay the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline by at least two months

This is reported by TASS, referring to the statement of the EC representative Vivian Lunela. At the same time, the situation may not be limited to the announced deadline: the European Commission may extend consideration of the decision to issue a certificate.

Lunela said that NSP2 is obliged to submit an application for certification to the German regulator. Only then, according to the European Union Gas Directive, a draft decision on certification and a request for an opinion from the EU authority on this procedure must be submitted. And then the two-month deadline begins.

Brussels would do well to remember that it needs the launch of Nord Stream 2 much more than Moscow. Gas prices on the European market break new records almost daily. For example, on 15 September the cost of a thousand cubic metres of fuel reached USD 950