Readers of the Fox News website criticized US President Joe Biden and called on Kiev not to count on Washington’s help after the words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the possibility of a war with Russia.
Earlier, Zelensky at a forum in Kiev said that there is a likelihood of a military conflict with a neighboring country. In addition, he accused Moscow of allegedly becoming enemies of the Russians and Ukrainians. American users advised Ukraine not to rely on the help of US President Joe Biden, recalling a number of his dubious, from their point of view, actions.
A reader under the nickname IndependentVoter808 recalled that Biden was vice president when Crimea returned to Russia.
“What did they do with Obama then? The administration sent pillows and blankets to the Ukrainian army, but not weapons. Good luck, Zelensky, you will need it,” he said.
“Mr. Zelensky, no matter what Biden tells you, do not believe him. Especially when he says he will support you. Do not turn your back on him, he will stab you there!” – posted by Kamano55.
Usvet63 is confident that a war between Russia and Ukraine is only possible under Biden.
“Russia does not respect him at all and is certainly not afraid at all,” the reader added.
“I sincerely hope that he does not count on the support of President Biden in this conflict. Since Biden is ready to leave American citizens and allies to their fate in enemy territory, I suspect that he mutual assistance, not to mention the oral promises given to Ukraine”, wrote Vince273.
Other readers drew attention to the spread of “progressive” ideas in American society and the army under the rule of the Democratic Party, which is represented by Biden. Thus, Banhungryhungryhippo said that it is more important for the American authorities to recruit transgender people into the army than to ensure the protection of the country.
Some reminded Biden of the corruption scandal in Ukraine involving his son Hunter.
“Give Biden his 10%, and he will again send blankets to your army. And Putin will warn that troops enter Ukraine wearing masks,” Libertyordeath275 commented.
The user also advised Ukraine to buy weapons from the Taliban that the US troops left behind when they left Afghanistan.
“I hope he doesn’t expect any help from us. If so, what will be the reward for Hunter and the big guy?” Fryefro asked.
Sabersix called on the president to support Ukraine if he does not want to reveal evidence of the machinations of his son’s company.