Russian Foreign Ministry says Russia is not a party to the Minsk agreements

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova recalled that Russia is not a party to the Minsk agreements and called on the US Embassy in Moscow to tell its colleagues in Kiev about this.

Earlier, the American embassy in Ukraine called on Russia to “fully fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Minsk agreements.”

“I urge the US Embassy in Russia to tell the US Embassy in Ukraine that Russia is not a party to the Minsk agreements. At the same time, a set of measures is obligatory for the parties to the intra-Ukrainian conflict: Kiev and Donetsk and Luhansk”, Zakharova said in her Telegram channel.

The diplomat stressed that the Minsk agreements do not contain any clauses on Russia’s obligations, however, the parties to the conflict, which are the authorities of Ukraine and the armed forces of Ukraine on the one hand, as well as representatives of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, have such obligations.

“If the United States really wants the Minsk agreements to be fulfilled, they can influence Kiev and induce it to fulfill all the points in the indicated sequence. What prevents Washington from doing this? After all, on other issues (land and judicial reforms, arms purchases, healthcare), the American instructions are being followed zealously by the Kiev regime”, Zakharova said.