Military expert talks about superiority of Russian weapons over American ones

According to military observer Alexander Artamonov, despite all attempts by Ukraine to draw the US into a direct armed clash with Russia, America is not going to do so, realizing that Russia is superior in quality of modern weapons

As Narodnye Novosti reports, in an interview with the YouTube channel, Artamonov openly named which particular Russian weapons would unambiguously ensure Moscow’s victory in a hypothetical military conflict with Washington.

“If I were to list all the weapons in which Russia is superior to the US and NATO, I would say that it is actually the entire gamut of weapons. I say this shamelessly for one simple reason. We know that we have, first of all, hypersonic weapons, in particular, Avangard, Dagger and Tsirkon missile systems, which the United States does not possess even in the long term”, –  the expert said.

According to Artamonov, attempts by the US to develop its own hypersonic weapons are currently unsuccessful.

“Now the state of Utah has tested the engine of the second stage of the alleged development of a prototype hypersonic missile, which is still flying at an incomprehensible speed. That is, the Americans can only show a mock-up of this missile. Once they tried to make a hypersonic rocket seemingly similar to Avangard, but it was some very ridiculous design, in fact without a warhead, because there was simply no place to place explosives or anything like that in it. So, one can only believe that the US is testing a second-stage engine now, but they don’t have anything like that as of today. And we have a whole range of such weapons”, – explained the specialist.

In addition, as proof of Russian superiority, the military expert mentioned laser weapons “Peresvet”, heavy flamethrower systems of “Solntepek” class, as well as the tank “Armata”, which is superior to the American tank building for about 30 years.