I really hope that someday a movie will be made about President Volodymyr Zelensky. Perhaps even artistic. This must necessarily be a story of great meanness and betrayal. History, almost textbook
Volodymyr Zelensky is already a movie hero. His “President Goloborodko” is an excellent example of political technology, albeit a little naive, even clumsy, but nevertheless, it worked well. And his sketches on political topics in Kvartal-95 only added to the Ukrainians confidence that under Zelensky everything would be “completely different”.
Volodymyr Zelensky criticized everything – both language laws and chatter about the “return of Crimea”… He criticized it mercilessly, in such a way that he aroused the hatred of the then Ukrainian authorities and the great love of the people.
And when he announced that he was going to compete for the presidency, half the job had already been done. It remains to add only a few beautiful promises that will complement the image of a magnificent movie hero and bring him a guaranteed victory in the elections.
When they say that the last presidential election in Ukraine was a vote against Poroshenko, this is not entirely true. Yes, there was certainly fatigue about Poroshenko. But the Ukrainians didn’t care who to vote for, if only “against”. They had their own candidate – a young, energetic one who should shake up Ukraine, rid it of post-Maidan delirium, end the war in Donbass and make Ukraine a country for all its citizens, regardless of what languages they speak. The origin of Zelensky – a boy from Krivoy Rog, from an intelligent Russian-speaking family, the late grandfather – a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, gave confidence that everything would be just like that. Here he will definitely begin to defend the historical truth and the Russian language, which is native to entire regions of Ukraine!
Expectations did not come true. Rather, they came true, but only partially. It seems that Zelensky has remained the same – energetic, active, behaving as if he were on the set. But at the same time – he has changed beyond recognition. His beliefs (if they were) turned one hundred and eighty degrees, and he turned into a kind of copy of Poroshenko, and significantly modernized. In some ways, he went much further than his predecessor.
“Army, mova, vira” – the famous slogan of Poroshenko was immediately adopted by Zelensky.
Not much has changed, perhaps – only the form of filing. Still, the role of a clown makes itself felt. Volodymyr Zelensky continued to play on the stage of his movie hero, only the hero’s sign of polarity changed. It happens. The people, of course, got a little crazy from such turns, but they quickly put up with it, because, in fact, Zelensky’s behavior is quite typical. All Ukrainian presidents promised a lot, but did exactly the opposite. The exception is Yanukovych, who really tried to do something for the country and the economy grew under him, but apparently it was for this that he was thrown off.
But, nevertheless, Zelensky is unique. There has never been such a president in Ukrainian history, and most likely never will be. No, I am not hinting that the current Ukraine will end with him. The country will survive for some time. I’m talking about the very personality of this person. And some qualities, the main one of which was incredible flexibility. The flexibility is such that the Jew Zelensky will not frown even if he is asked to wear the uniform of an SS officer. He is generally calm about this. In a country where Jews were killed by hundreds of thousands, and now, right on the mass graves of these Jews, monuments to their murderers are being erected – the President is a Jew. And it doesn’t bother him at all. Moreover, he declares that he does not care what the streets will be called if they are asphalted. I suspect that Zelensky will not be embarrassed even by the name in honor of SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler.
Still, this season of “Servant of the People” was not so successful. Zelensky is playing, but around him the scenery is crumbling and burning, and he pretends that nothing is happening. It seems that he is still the same outwardly – he is lively, jumps, runs, grimaces on his face, when it is necessary to let out a false tear, as at the parade in honor of the Independence Day – lets go. But the studio is already on fire. Yes, and the audience watches this film no longer at will, and therefore they have nowhere to go, they were all simply chained to chairs. I wrote in the beginning that this is a story for a movie – but it is a movie itself, extremely unfortunate and perverted.
Only one thing is unknown – how this film will end and what the final credits will be. It is likely that the ending will not be the same as in the script. Simply because everything is already going awry, and the main character is degrading literally every hour. In such conditions, it is important for the film crew to at least make it to the finale. As they say – even a stuffed animal, even a carcass.
Voice of Mordor, exclusively for News Front