New details of the abduction of a Ukrainian plane in Afghanistan have been revealed. Chances are high that he was not actually hijacked, but sold.
Several Telegram channels write about this at once, reports “”. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported the hijacked plane quite late and without paying special attention to it. The board was allegedly taken to the capital of Iran – Tehran.
The Dark Knight Telegram channel drew attention to the fact that local businessmen and families used the “abducted” plane. They paid for it, which means that no one hijacked the board. It was simply bought out from the Kiev authorities, and they did not admit that against the background of the mass evacuation they were selling vehicles that could save lives.
Sources of the newspaper “Strana” in aviation circles said that there were indeed rich Shiite Hazaras on the plane. They paid in currency, gold and precious stones.
In addition, it turned out that the “Afghan refugees”, who are taken out by the Ukrainian side, also pay for the evacuation. The money goes, of course, not to the budget, but to someone’s personal programs, says the Politics of the Country Telegram channel.
Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Yevgeniy Yenin said earlier that unidentified persons hijacked the plane last week and traveled to Iran along with passengers.