Expert named the reason for the economic decline in Ukraine

In an exclusive interview with News Front, political expert Mikhail Shpir spoke about his vision of Ukraine’s “independence” and named the fatal mistakes of the Ukrainian political elite that led to the decline in the country.

Speaking about the independence of the Ukrainian state, the expert first of all pointed out that it should be understood from whom exactly Ukraine gained independence.

“Russia was the first to secede from the USSR. Therefore, no one was holding Ukraine. By the way, Ukrainian patriots like to say that Ukraine gained independence bloodlessly, so the people do not value it”, Shpir explained.

During the formation of independence, according to the interlocutor of the agency, the people to a greater extent did not think about the various revolutionary movements in the country, like the same “revolution on granite”. In general, the population of Ukraine was rebuilt for survival in conditions of disruption of all economic ties and complete de-industrialization.

“All thirty years of independence, Ukraine has only degraded,” the political expert assured.

The prosperity of the Ukrainian economy did not happen, the specialist noted, which is the main fruit of such independence. In addition, a series of revolutions also made themselves felt.

“Structurally, the economy began to collapse. But at the same time, there was a global trend for economic growth. Against the background of structural destruction, there was a certain amount of foreign exchange earnings. However, the 2008 crisis corrected the situation”, Shpir says.

But there have been attempts to rectify the situation, he said. So, according to the expert, Yanukovych and his government of technocrats tried to solve the country’s problems at one time.

“The government really understood macroeconomics and dealt with the country,” says Mikhail Shpir.

It was not possible to rectify the situation again. The reason for this was “the cattle that raised their head,” the specialist explained.

“But then came 2013 and the cattle took to the streets, which decided that it represents society, because it is the most noisy and smelly Cattle decided that it can seize the authorities. All this was said goodbye with the light hand of the West. Then Ukraine finally lost its independence” , he concluded.