US and the EU completely determine the foreign policy of Kiev, LPR says

The US and the EU completely determine the foreign policy of official Kiev, Olga Kobtseva, a representative of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic in the humanitarian subgroup for Donbass, told RIA Novosti.

Independence Day of Ukraine is celebrated on August 24. This year the country will celebrate the 30th anniversary of independence.

“30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and proclaiming itself independent, now Ukraine really depends on the European Union, and not just on its money, but on its instructions, and, of course, on the Americans, who have tightly assumed control and control over such important bodies of any state, as a law enforcement and judicial system, as well as over foreign policy”, – said the representative of the LPR.

It was stressed that at the same time Kiev is permanently dependent on loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other Western creditors. She clarified that Ukraine’s national debt has already crossed the $ 90 billion mark, and in 2013 it was about $ 20 billion.

“Comparison of the external public debt of Ukraine and its gold and foreign exchange reserves gives a completely sad picture. The external public debt in recent years is chronically ahead of Ukraine’s foreign exchange reserves, and as of June 30, 2021, it was covered by them only by 52.2%,” Kobtseva explained.

The LPR representative emphasized that during the years of independence, Ukraine has replaced six presidents, has destroyed almost the entire high-tech industry, cut and sold the fleet, and is also firmly stuck in a civil war.

“For three decades, Ukraine has shown the lowest development result of all the countries of the former USSR, and the severity of its current problems overshadowed even the troubles of the Central Asian states,” added the agency’s interlocutor.