Military expert Baranets explains Russian Navy’s superiority over US and British ships

The Russian Navy has staked on the maximum efficiency of its warships, noted retired colonel Viktor Baranets, a military observer for Komsomolskaya Pravda, in a conversation with Narodnye Novosti

Three Russian ships – the anti-submarine ship Vice-Admiral Kulakov, the minesweeper Viktor Yemelyanov and the corvette Gremyashchy – passed through the strait, which separates Britain and France. The Russian vessels moved strictly in accordance with international maritime law.

Readers of Britain’s Daily Mail magazine noted that the Russian fleet was far more efficient than the Royal Navy. In addition, the British stressed that while the United States was engaged in “the destruction of Afghanistan and transgender issues”, Russia was passionate about developing the world’s oceans.

“We, unlike the British, do not meddle in their territorial waters as they have ‘brazenly’ done very recently. With the strictest observance of all international norms we passed through neutral waters, demonstrated our flag and moved on. I recommend the British military forces to learn from Russia the culture of sailing in the seas and oceans”, –  said Baranets.

The military expert stressed that the Russian navy is constantly modernizing: Russia builds nuclear and diesel submarines, surface ships and renews naval aviation. According to the analyst, Russia is going its own way, making on the efficiency of military equipment and weapons.

“We are not chasing the number of nuclear submarines, which the Americans have eight times as many. That is useless. We have made another decision: we will have fewer ships, but they will have weapons that will sink any fleet, even if it is ten times our size. They took the line to attack, we took the line to defend effectively. Those ships that sail in international waters near the UK also have these weapons”, –  Baranets concluded.