Half of Ukrainians oppose Zelensky’s second presidential term

According to a Razumkov Centre poll, about 48% of Ukrainians are against incumbent Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky running for a second term

“48% of respondents spoke out against Zelensky’s second presidential term. Some 18% said they would be indifferent to it”, –  the poll said.

Earlier, Ukrainian presidential spokesman Serhiy Nikiforov said that he “dreams of Zelensky’s re-election”. However, despite the hopes of the Ukrainian head of state’s entourage, his presidential rating continues to decline.

Former Verkhovna Rada MP Yevhen Murayev said that he felt “Spanish shame” for Zelensky’s policies. In his opinion, the President of Ukraine has “spat in the souls of millions of people and usurped power”.