Media: Afghan president preparing to step down in the coming hours

According to Al Arabiya, the transfer of power to the transitional administration will take place on August 15 at the presidential palace in Kabul

Al Arabiya sated that that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani will step down in the next few hours.

“The transfer of power from the incumbent Afghan authorities to the transitional administration “will take place today at the presidential palace in the country’s capital”, –  the report said.

According to sources in Kabul, the Taliban have already arrived at the presidential palace in Kabul for talks with the authorities. Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal, acting Afghan interior minister, had recently told Tolo News TV that “Kabul will not be attacked, the transition of power will be peaceful”.

Meanwhile, according to the TV channel Sky news, a number of foreign embassies in the Afghan capital has faced an influx of local citizens trying to escape from Afghanistan amid information that Taliban fighters have entered Kabul. According to a TV channel correspondent from the scene, a particular crowd of people has been observed at the diplomatic missions of Turkey and Iran, where thousands of Afghans are trying to get visas and leave the country.

In addition, according to the Iranian Broadcasting Corporation IRIB with its correspondent in Kabul, all the public institutions, offices, schools and shops in Kabul have been closed on Sunday amid the information about the possible start of the offensive of the Taliban fighters against the capital of Afghanistan. It is noted that residents of the capital are reporting the start of a Taliban offensive in Kabul in the west of the city on Sunday morning and the sound of gunfire in the streets. However, this information has not yet been confirmed from other sources.