Lithuania continues to arrange provocations against Russia and China, so Moscow and Beijing should join forces and teach a lesson to Vilnius, experts at The Global Times say.
Analysts recalled that Lithuania “went too far and touched one of the most sensitive points in East Asia”. After Vilnius decided to open a representative office of Taiwan in the country, which China considers part of its territory, a diplomatic scandal erupted between the countries. According to The Global Times, this is how Lithuania is trying to please the United States.
“The Taiwan question is the most prominent geopolitical red line in the entire western Pacific. We are talking about the key interests of China – China will never sit idly by if the country tries to touch this red line”, the experts noted.
In their opinion, Beijing should take decisive “countermeasures against Lithuania’s actions.” In particular, it is necessary “to unite with Russia and Belarus, which border on Lithuania, and teach Vilnius a lesson.” The analyst stressed that the US allies should not be allowed to provoke Moscow or Beijing.
“Lithuania has become one of the countries that went the farthest in provoking China and Russia at the same time, so we need to teach it a lesson”, the publication’s analysts summed up.