Ukraine still hopes to be welcomed by the EU and NATO

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba demands from the EU and NATO a roadmap for joining these alliances

Demands so insistently that one involuntarily recalls Arakhamia’s recent statement that Zelensky will talk with Biden in a raised voice. What’s going on with Ukrainian officials? Did they believe in themselves so?

Over the past couple of months, the situation in Ukraine-EU / Ukraine-NATO relations has not changed for the better or for the worse. However, Kuleba cannot be stopped:

“In the case of Ukraine, it is primarily about institutionalizing the place of our country in the Western world. It’s time for the United States and European allies to define a clear roadmap for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU”.

Ukrainian officials believe that Ukraine, together with Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, ensures the “security” of the Black Sea and for this contribution they are simply obliged to join NATO and the European Union. They do not take into account only the fact that it is much more convenient for the Alliance to use the Independence Square simply as a buffer for the fight against Russia. America is not planning to enter Ukraine into NATO, at least in the foreseeable future. Kuleba’s statements about roadmaps and requirements are just an informational occasion to remind you of yourself once again.

It is noteworthy that Zelensky, before becoming the president of Ukraine, in an election interview with Gordon said that “Ukraine will not go where it is not expected.” However, then he said a lot of things that later did exactly the opposite. Zelensky once said that “Ukraine should not ask to join NATO – it should be invited there.” However, his minister, Kuleba, is now asking, “extorting” the roadmap. Ukraine is not in NATO not because of “political instability” and not because the war is on its territory.

Ukraine is not in NATO because NATO wants it that way. To take on the balance of a country with crazy corruption, a rotting army, with a bunch of scrap metal instead of equipment? What for? Why invest in Ukraine, build equal partnerships with it, if its leadership will still do everything the way America needs it? US and European military officials have already set up a business to sell decommissioned weapons and ammunition to Ukraine that do not meet NATO standards. This is the benefit of the middle and top officials of NATO – they have very good money from this. And obedient Ukrainians will buy everything at exorbitant prices.

If we talk about “lofty matters”, about geopolitics – all the more, America does not need Ukraine in NATO. If it is necessary to throw Square under a Russian tank, it is beneficial for the Americans that the country is not in NATO at the same time. And this is all obvious. In the case of the EU, it is still much clearer – the European Union is already going through hard times, and these “best times” are more likely far behind than far ahead. The European union of states will definitely not stand one more dependent.

Daniil Bezsonov, Analytical Service of Donbass