Poland will continue to demand war reparations from Germany

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski said Warsaw does not consider the issue of war reparations from Germany for the damage caused during World War II closed

“Poland has never received reparations. We cannot say that the issue is closed. And we consider this case relevant all the time – as a case of extraordinary importance in bilateral relations”, – the deputy foreign minister said on Polish Radio.

In 2017, Antoni Macierewicz, who was then defence minister, announced Poland’s plans to receive military reparations from Germany. In 2019, Warsaw announced its intention to demand $900 billion from Berlin for damages caused during World War II.

For its part, Germany said that it had no intention of making payments to Poland, as it had “paid enough reparations”. Moreover, in 1953 the Polish government passed a resolution recognizing that Germany had completely fulfilled its obligations, which meant that no further compensation was due.