Pushkov: Britain is laying the foundations for the loss of its identity on its own

Russian Federation Senator Alexei Pushkov has spoken about Britain’s loss of identity amid an influx of migrants

According to research by analytical group Migration Watch UK, the proportion of migrants and their descendants (including visitors from other European countries) in Britain has risen from 10% to almost 20% in 20 years. Between 2017 and 2019, migrants and their children gave 90% of the country’s population.

“Britain is slowly but surely laying the foundations for the loss of its identity itself – and it is not alone. It is a long, gradual, visceral, but inevitable process because of the policies chosen. The British leaders of the 20th century would have been horrified. The present ones have got used to it and are playing hardball with political correctness in a scramble for the votes of new coloured voters. And this is how – slowly but steadily – the process is under way, as a result of which only the name and history will remain of Britain”, –  said Pushkov in his Telegram-channel.

According to him, British history will also be distorted, and “Shakespeare will be banned and declared a racist, as will Kipling and many others.” Pushkov stressed that London will not notice the moment of loss of identity, just that in time Britain will become a completely different country.