Zakharova called on the OSCE to respond to violations of freedom of speech in Ukraine

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharov in his Telegram-channel commented on the visit of the OSCE representative for the freedom of Teresa Mary Ribeir to Ukraine.

Zakharova noted that in Ukraine, many were looking forward to Ribeir’s visit to the hope, since “the expression of opinions and the rights of journalists and the media, the Kiev authorities brought their country, has been extended, the Kiev authorities have long deserved a detailed address reaction. relevant powers of an international official”.

“And what at the exit from the visit? The world did not wait for a serious disclamation of the curious disgrace there. Some only polisher comments, referential hints and abstract wishes”, – stated Zakharov.

She noted that the actions of Kiev, violating the obligations on a variety of documents, still do not meet an adequate assessment by international structures. As an example of Zakharova, the closure of three opposition TV channels “112 Ukraine”, “Newsone” and “Zik” and numerous persecution of journalists have led.

“Perhaps it is worth more clearly articulate the unacceptability of such a policy? It is not enough just to “desire success” in the search for “the right methods of combating disinformation”.

It takes a timely, fully and frankly respond to the blatant practice of suppressing freedom of speech, “the diplomat emphasized.