Ukrainian political actor: Putin’s article on Ukraine gives a true assessment of the history of the two peoples

The head of the political council of the Opposition Platform – For Life party, Viktor Medvedchuk, said that the article by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the unity of Russians and Ukrainians gives a rather tough but truthful assessment of the common history of the two peoples and modern Ukrainian statehood.

“The commotion that arose in the political circles of Ukraine after the publication of Vladimir Putin’s article“ On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians ”can hardly be overestimated. However, on the whole, the reaction to this article by most Ukrainian politicians and analysts cannot be called an adequate response”, – says Medvedchuk’s article on the website of the HLE.

According to the politician, “a Ukrainian who thinks about the future of his country and his people should carefully study this article, since it gives a rather tough, but absolutely true assessment of our common history and modern Ukrainian statehood”.

Commenting on Putin’s article, the Ukrainian politician stressed that “the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians, more than a thousand years of common history have laid a solid foundation for the successful future of Ukrainians and Russians.”
Medvedchuk named the right path for Ukraine, which, in his opinion, “will lead it out of the impasse into which the country has been led by the unprofessional government of recent years, operating under obvious external, Western management and control”.

“We must offer a picture of the future of our country, in which it will be attractive for representatives of all nations, all ethnic groups living in Ukraine. Make it so that people do not have to choose between the country and their inalienable values: language, religion, culture. Make the country successful”, – he concluded.