Why does a fish need a bicycle?
Chickens do not peck money – there is nowhere to go. So we decided to throw them out into the air. And even if this has not been observed before, but, firstly, sometimes you want something like that. Secondly, the Americans were very persuasive. Take it, they say, you won’t regret it. We will make a discount. And they did. And discount, and Switzerland. Its Federal Council is now telling everyone that the F-35 is “top performance” at a “low cost.”
$6.5 billion for 36 planes. This is, however, cheaper than the standard rates for the most expensive fighter in the world. But they should be on their guard: what’s the catch?
Even if they have never heard of its 800 defects and the Pentagon’s decision not to purchase these models until they are put in full order. These 36 will no longer lead. But they can’t fight against them. So that they were. And five Patriot air defense systems too. The states of Switzerland were also bred on them. Sew her sky up and down. In other words, it was a country of unafraid cantons, but it will become darned.
Sheinkman on the brink