After the high-profile murder of a 13-year-old girl in Vienna, police arrested two teenagers from Afghanistan who are seeking refugee status. In this regard, the Austrian government began to actively discuss tightening the rules for admitting refugees.
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called speculation about traumatic experiences that allegedly could have influenced the killers from Afghanistan “false tolerance”. In addition, he demanded to tighten the rules for admitting refugees.
“We must not allow people to come to us, declare that they need protection, and then commit cruel, barbaric crimes in Austria. We need a clear, consistent procedure for criminals, people who commit violent crimes in our country, especially when women or children become victims”, – said Kurz.
According to official data, one of the suspects was deprived of state protection three years ago, but his appeal is still pending. The second detainee also applied for refugee status. The Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that the teenager will be deported if his involvement in the murder is confirmed.