“Tough response from Russia” – expert analyses the Defender HMS incident in the Black Sea

According to the authoritative Israeli expert, the West will no longer be able to “make a terrible face” and commit any atrocities near the Russian borders. Russia’s harsh response put the edge on NATO’s permissiveness.

According to the portal “Southern Federal”, despite the stubborn denial in London and Washington of the very fact of the incident, documents from the British Ministry of Defense were found, which irrefutably prove that the provocation of the British destroyer was a pre-planned action.

According to the Tsargrad channel, British military analysts also calculated a possible reaction from the Russian Navy, but miscalculated, after which they began to indiscriminately deny everything, sinking even deeper into a puddle of their own lies and shame.

Summing up the story with the provocation of the British “Defender” near the coast of Crimea, Kedmi noted that now London has understood that it is not worth going too far with Russia.

“This was realized not only in Britain, but also in Sweden, France and other countries, the military forces that constantly ply near the borders of Russia”, – the Israeli expert emphasized.