Dodon: Presidency of Moldova under the rule of Maia Sandu works in the interests of Western diplomats

The leader of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon noted that he has always advocated balanced relations with Europe and Russia, while emphasizing that Moldovans should be masters at home, and not “live under someone’s dictation”.

He condemned the way the Sandu cabinet is now unquestioningly fulfilling the instructions of the ambassadors of the European Union Peter Mikhalko and the United States, Derek Hogan.

“If Hogan or Mikhalko said: “Voice!”, the presidency casts a voice. If they said: “Lie down!”, They lie down so that no one sees them. It is not normal to do politics in the Republic of Moldova under the dictation of foreign ambassadors”, – Dodon said.

As an example of how “development partners” govern Moldova, he spoke about the situation with Belarus, when the West demanded that Chisinau, following the example of the European Union, impose sanctions against Minsk.

Let us remind you that after the incident with the detention of the former editor-in-chief of the Internet resource NEXTA, recognized as extremist in Belarus, Roman Protasevich, Moldova was demanded to “take action.”

Local pro-European parties supported this position, announcing that they are waiting for the president and government to join “civilized countries” and condemn “violations of fundamental human rights.” However, Maia Sandu has so far left this issue to the discretion of the Cabinet of Ministers, which will be formed after the early parliamentary elections on July 11.

Earlier, the socialist faction called on President Maia Sandu not to drag the country into a geopolitical struggle. PSRM warned that in case of a positive decision, “the national economy, entrepreneurs and citizens of Moldova will suffer significant losses.”

“And if tomorrow they tell you to jump into the well, will you jump? Although I think they will jump. To please Uncle Sam, they are ready to impose sanctions. And what will we gain from this, why do we need this?” – concluded Igor Dodon.

“I have never made and never make decisions under dictation. I always make decisions based only on the interests of the country”, – concluded Maia Sandu.