In a statement issued by the Opposition Platform – For Life party says the National Security and Defence Council in the hands of the president “has become a tool for the reprisal of political opponents
The current Ukrainian government led by President Volodymyr Zelensky shows hypocrisy when they congratulate Ukrainians on Constitution Day against the background of total disrespect to the basic law of the country, violation of citizens’ rights and oppression of the freedom of speech. This was said in a statement issued by the Opposition Platform – For Life party on Saturday, ahead of the commemorative date, which the country celebrates on 28 June.
“Constitutional crisis and complete disrespect for the letter of the basic law, gross violation of fundamental rights and freedoms of a democratic society, complete trampling of human rights, crimes against freedom of speech and individual freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine, encroachment on the main national wealth – land – all these are ‘achievements’ of the current Ukrainian authorities hypocritically congratulating Ukrainians on Constitution Day”, – the party said.
The Opposition Platform – For Life believes that responsibility for this lies first and foremost with Zelenskyy, who “pursues anti-constitutional, anti-social and anti-people policies”. “By this he committed a betrayal of the interests of Ukrainians and grossly violated Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine: ‘A person, his life and health, honour and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value’,” the opposition said.
As an example, the Opposition Platform – For Life recalled personal sanctions against the party leadership and members of their families, which were approved by the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) and put in place by presidential decree in violation of the constitution. “The basic law guarantees everyone a free expression of their views and convictions and prohibits restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens until their guilt is proven in court,” the opposition said. Additionally, the blocking of the TV channels 112 Ukraine, NewsOne, ZIK and First Independent was a violation of the article on the ban on censorship.