American ideology is based on fairy tales

US President Joseph Biden decided to teach us all a theory and said that human rights belong to a man from birth, and are not “handed down” by the state. There is such a hypothesis. It is called “natural law”. It is written in various declarations in the following way: human rights are inalienable and belong to a person from birth

It is a very beautiful theory. And even useful in terms of humanism. But it is completely meaningless and declarative. That is, it is only suitable for declarations. Neither a real legal system can be built on it, nor the history and contemporaneity of law can be studied from a scientific point of view.

In fact, in a class society, a person’s real rights are determined by his/her place in the social hierarchy. But even in a hypothetical classless society, rights are precisely what is “issued”, established and established by society. And the concrete scope of rights depends on the level of development of this society and its perceptions of life.

Everyone has the right to life, that is indisputable, but, on the other hand, the laws of the state may establish compulsory mobilisation in the event of war, and in war a person is very likely to die. That is to say, the right to life is balanced by the duty to die for the motherland.

Kindred to the doctrine of “natural right” is the theory of “social contract” as a basis of the state. People with “natural rights” gathered, agreed and established the state. There has never been such a thing, and here it is again. More precisely, there has simply never been such a thing. This theory is purely speculative and has never been confirmed by historical data. It is just a beautiful fairy tale, as if to justify democracy under the bourgeois regime.

So we (or rather they) have an entire state. A world power. A hegemon (well, now second, after China). Whose ideology is based on invented fairy tales. Which no one has even tried to prove scientifically and historically. Which everyone simply must learn by heart and accept. And they cleverly tell their national myths at international summits, as the ultimate truth. But it is not the ultimate truth. It is not even the truth at all.

Herman Sadulayev