The American magazine The National Interest published an article “America is looking for gaps in Russian-Chinese relations”
The publication notes that the United States faces the difficult task of creating and deepening cracks in Russian-Chinese relations.
The publication states:
“Russia and China maintain a mutual desire to weaken the US-led global order through their efforts, backed by their own bilateral trade, military cooperation and diplomatic engagement, and their shared belief that the West is preoccupied with internal divisions. And there is no apparent impulse or motive that could change the growing convergence between them”.
Thus, in his publication, The National Interest, he did not name a single “crack” in relations between Russia and China, so that the United States could create and deepen it. Both in Russia and in China there is an understanding that Washington would like to use Russia against China, and then China against Russia. In this order or vice versa.
Obviously, there can be no talk of any honest partnership with the United States: this is not their style. They always pursue only their own interests, and even in their allies in the Western bloc they see not so much partners as assistants in their affairs. Therefore, the strengthening of strategic interaction between Russia and China should be viewed as a trend for the long term.
Elena Panina