“Indian” strain of coronavirus mutated to “delta plus” version

In the Indian state of Maharashtra, 20 cases of infection with a new strain of the coronavirus called “delta plus” (B.1.617.2.1) have been announced.

“We found a” delta plus “in Navi-Mumbai, Palgar and Ratnagiri. After that we sent more samples for analysis and are waiting for reports,” – the agency quotes the words of the head of the Department of Medical Education and Research, Dr. TP Lahan.

Five cases of infection with the new strain were detected in the port city of Ratnagiri, two infected with no symptoms. To combat the spread of the coronavirus, authorities have created containment zones and isolated areas where the mutation has been identified.

The B.1.617 coronavirus strain was discovered in the aforementioned Indian state of Maharashtra in October last year. He later appeared in many countries.

Scientists have discovered three subspecies of this strain – B.1.617.1, B.1.617.2 and B.1.617.3. The new species is distinguished by the presence of the K417N mutation in the spike protein, which can reduce the activity of antibodies in people who have been ill and vaccinated.

India has the second largest number of detected cases of coronavirus infection in the world. According to the local Ministry of Health, since March 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic began there, the total number of people infected with a new type of infection has almost approached 30 million people, more than 28.7 million have recovered, more than 386 thousand have died, and another 729 thousand people are fighting the disease in currently.