“Nobody will take it anywhere” – the expert explained why Ukraine does not yet have NATO membership

As long as Ukraine still has problems with the territories, until the issue of Donbass and Crimea is closed, no one will take it anywhere.

Political and economic expert Taras Zagorodny said that while Ukraine will not be admitted to NATO, it will not even be given a Membership Action Plan (MAP). There are several reasons for this, he said.

“As long as Ukraine has problems with the territories, until the issue of Donbass and Crimea is closed, no one will take it anywhere. Even Ukraine will not receive the MAP”, – Zagorodny said.

In addition, Russia has a powerful lobby in NATO in the form of Germany, France and other countries. The expert believes that “they will not allow Ukraine’s membership in the Alliance, because in NATO any decisions are made by consensus voting”.

However, according to him, much depends on Ukraine itself. After all, no one forbids her to reform her army and switch to NATO standards.

“In general, Biden with a clear conscience will be able to calm Russia down by promising that Ukraine will not be admitted to NATO. However, this promise will not at all prevent the State from making a decision, for example, to expand aid to Ukraine or to grant it the status of an ally outside of NATO, as in South Korea, Israel, Egypt, Taiwan and other countries. And, frankly, for us it will be even better than NATO membership”, – the expert summed up.