China condemns G7 members for “libel”

The PRC is extremely unhappy with the statements made against it by the countries participating in the G7 summit; the Chinese Embassy in London considers them defamatory, Reuters reported on Monday.

The agency’s material noted that the G7 leaders on June 13 challenged China to respect human rights in the strongly Muslim region of Xinjiang. They also called on Hong Kong to maintain a high degree of autonomy and stressed the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. All of these issues are delicate for Beijing.

“We insist that the United States and other G7 countries stop slandering the PRC and interfering in China’s internal political affairs. They should not infringe on China’s interests. They should make efforts that will positively affect international cooperation, and not contribute to the emergence of conflict and contradictions”, – said a spokesman for the PRC Embassy in Great Britain, who is quoted on the official website of the diplomatic mission.

It is emphasized that the statements of the G7 representatives about the situation in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and the Taiwan issue indicate “their ill intentions”. The Chinese diplomatic mission expressed “sharp discontent and strong protest” because of the whole situation.

This year, the UK is chairing the G7. The G7 Leaders Summit was held in Cornwall.