The source of the Telegram channel Glavmedia at the General Staff of the Russian Ministry of Defense said that Moscow would not allow Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Alliance and seize Belarus, writes the Moskovsky Komsomolets news portal.
A source in the defense department recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin said that strike missile systems, operational-tactical missile systems, medium-range missiles and pseudo-missile defense systems will never be deployed in Ukraine. He also noted that the deployment of a NATO strike force on the territory of Belarus, 600 km in a straight line to Moscow “is an exceptional threat to the security and sovereignty of Russia”.
“I’ll say frankly – in the event of such threats, Russia will take all measures, including exceptional ones, to completely neutralize them”, – the Telegram channel quoted the source as saying.
The interlocutor also added that the United States at one time could not allow the appearance of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba and went to the Cuban missile crisis. According to him, Russia “cannot allow this to happen in Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus”.