Ukrainian journalist says meeting between President Biden and Putin may result in rapprochement between U.S. and Russia

And Ukraine will be thrown to be devoured or exchanged, the journalist said.

In this scenario, a deal across Ukraine is likely on conditions unfavorable for Kiev. In order to ensure respect from the West and Russia, the Ukrainian state should build a powerful army.

On the air of the Ukraine 24 TV channel, he suggested that the meeting between Biden and Putin would end with a rapprochement between the American and Russian states. In this case, Ukraine will act as a bargaining chip. Kiev should forget about the interests of other countries and build a strong army.

“With regard to Biden’s negotiations with Putin, I believe that the United States will move closer to Russia – this is my unpopular point of view. They will draw closer to Russia in the face of a great danger in the form of China. I believe that Ukraine will be thrown to the Russians or exchanged. But that doesn’t mean anything. This says only one thing – we need to build our country. We need to forget about the interests of anyone. We need to think about personal interests. Therefore, we need to build the most powerful army with the involvement of the best specialists”, – says Gordon.

He added that Ukraine should use the Israeli model to build its own state. If Kiev succeeds in creating a very strong army, then both the West and Russia will respect such a country.

“We need to build up strength, accumulate power, not spare money to improve the army, stop stealing from the people, we need to stop engaging in constant corruption. And that’s all, then any Putin, any Biden, Macron and Merkel will talk very respectfully, they will say: guys, you are worthy of respect”.